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About Us

Quality Plans

Founded in 1975 by a group of dentists and health care professionals, Golden West Dental & Vision is dedicated to providing you with stable, quality dental & vision benefits. Our objective is to bring you and your family to a good level of dental health and maintenance. Because preventive and basic services are provided at little or no cost, you are encouraged to maintain excellent oral health. If you should require additional services, significant discounts are given by our quality private practice dentists.

Each participating dental office has been inspected by an Independent Dental Consultant and meets our high standards of care. Dentists must be licensed and have completed very specific credentialing criteria prior to becoming a member of our prestigious panel. Quality Assurance reviews are conducted on a regular basis to ensure the dental office continues to meet professionally recognized standards of care.

When you join one of our plans, we want you to know that we are committed to providing you with exceptional plans at reasonable costs!